Tuesday, August 14, 2012

RIP Katie

It is with a very sad heart that we must report the passing of Katie.  She had a massive tumor that burst and she needed the peaceful trip to the Rainbow Bridge.

Miss Katie and beautiful smile.

All our thoughts and prayers go out to Georgia and family; they showed Katie that heaven on earth is possible by showering her with love.  And a big "Bless Your Heart" to Dorothy, who fostered Katie until she found Georgia and family.

Katie, you will be missed.  

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

RACER Update

Safe Haven Kennel received the following update on Racer (aka Race or Frick) from his friend Lupie at Best Friends:

Racer (on the right) and his friend Pedro

"Racer is such a character and I simply adore him.  He lives with Pedro and they co-exist very well.  Racer loves going on walks.  He heels perfectly at your side, and checks in with you as you walk him.  I give him extra treats and he has the softest mouth.  I made a Dulcie's calendar and this is the picture I used for Pedro and Racer."

Way to go Racer!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

RIP Miss Zuma

Zuma Golightly (aka Pearl) is sadly gone

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I write.

Our sweet girl crossed over on March 21, 2012 to join our other fine lifetime furry friends.

I held her until the end, and beyond, and she went very peacefully. Needless to say, we are devastated. She was a special needs dog who was more than special to us. She was loved by neighbors and friends and was able to see most of them so they could give their last kisses and hugs before the vet arrived to help her cross over.

Our lives are ever changed and better because of her.

This picture taken in December is the same place where she breathed her last labored breath - her most loving home.

Dianne, Billy and Enzo

We will see you again at the
Rainbow Bridge Miss Zuma!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Day the Big Truck Came

It is sometimes hard to believe it has been 4 years since the big rescue. Our Gabbs Dogs are doing everything imaginable and still keeping us on our toes.

As winter finally reaches some of us... Stay inside, start the fire, get the hot chocolate and with your Gabbs Dog at your feet (or under the bed), reminisce of those days way back when.

More photos are available here.

Love to All our Gabbs Babies

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Dinky is entered into the RGJ's Cutest Dog Contest with her siblings, Tyson and Angel. Let's get as many votes as possible for her and her family. Click here to vote for here.

Good Luck Dinky and Family!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Callie Update

Some good news coming out of Gardnerville... Callie has been spotted by the golf course. She is currently avoiding the traps, but not the cameras. Such welcome news since she has been missing since 7/4/11.

Callie... hurry up and come home so we can celebrate "Gabbs" style. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your family.